June Member of the month // James Lovell
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment so far?
For me it’s the CrossFit Open every year, just to see the amount of people that are part of the community and how everyone comes together to support each other. Trying to push through thrusters is a lot easier with a load of people shouting at you! Getting my first Ring Muscle Up is a close second…
What is your favourite movement/workout?
Favourite movement would have to be squats (front or back, I just love a leg day!) When it comes to workouts, I love cardio… so a nice gassy one works for me.
What is your least favourite movement/workout?
Snatches, snatches, snatches - they hurt everything! I’m trying to work on them with lighter weights and focussing on nailing the movement but I often really struggle with them.
Name a CrossFit goal you hope to achieve by the end of this year?
I am really hunting for that Bar Muscle Up. When I got my first RMU, I thought BMU would be closely followed but so far it’s escaping me!
What do you do when you’re not training at Blitz?
Eating clean food and making good decisions at the pub! Honestly I really enjoy a chilled weekend as much as an ‘out’ weekend. Me and my partner John try and explore restaurants on our list when we can, slowly getting through them. I’ll happily read a book for an entire weekend and then at the end of the day an evening walk with maybe a drink or two (can often be persuaded for more) in the pub.
What is your favourite part of being a Blitz member?
The people - 100%! It’s such a great community to be a part of and nothing like I thought it would be, as someone who didn’t go to CrossFit. Everyone is pushing each other to be the best they can. We’ve got a great group of friends now because of Blitz and we often meet up outside of the gym.
If you could give a new member one piece of advice what would it be?
Just throw yourself into it. We’ve all been at the start of our CrossFit journey, and you will 100% look at some workouts or movements and think it’s never going to happen. But you will continue to surprise yourself as you progress and reach the milestones you set for yourself.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself….
When I was under 16 (and lighter) I used to do pole vault at a Welsh level! Niche but fun.